Leave-Behind Materials: These materials consist of short issue briefs on each of the key policy priorities for the College for Leadership Day. The briefs contain specific "asks" of Congress and are intended to be sent electronically to congressional offices following each meeting. With Leadership Day 2021 being virtual, guidance on how to do this can be found in this FAQ document. Please take the time to thoroughly read the issue briefs well in advance of the event date.
- ACP Facts Sheet
- Summary of ACP’s Virtual Leadership Day Priorities
- Expand Health Coverage and Affordability
- Train and Support Frontline Physicians during and after COVID-19
- Support the Value of Primary and Comprehensive Care
- Improve Access to Prescription Drugs and Reduce Costs
- Support Essential Public Health and Research Initiatives
- Promote Health Equity, Social Justice, and Eliminate Disparities
- Expand Access to Telehealth Services and Promote Patient Safety/Privacy
Additional Information:
- ACP-Supported Bills for Leadership Day 2021
- Bob Doherty Slide Presentation - "Leadership Day 2021: Advancing ACP’s Vision for US Health Care" (members only)