Leave-Behind Materials: These materials consist of short briefing documents on each of the key policy priorities for the College for Leadership Day. These materials contain a specific “ask” of Congress and are intended to be left by Leadership Day attendees with congressional members and staff during their meetings. College staff typically provides chapter delegations with hard copies of these leave-behind materials on the day of the event.
- ACP Facts Sheet
- Summary of ACP’s Leadership Day Key Priorities
- The High Cost of Prescription Drugs
- The Epidemic of Firearms-Related Injury and Death
- Fund Federal Workforce, Medical and Health Services Research, Public Health Initiatives
- Physician Payment under Medicare
- Expand Coverage and Stabilize the Insurance Market
- Reduce Unnecessary Administrative Tasks on Physicians and Patients
- Healthy Women and Families
- Medical Education Training and Debt
Additional Supporting Information:
- FAQs
- Key Bills in the 116th Congress
- Bob Doherty Slide Presentation - "ACP Advocacy and Leadership Day: Being “in the room where it happens” (Members only)
- Congressional Visit Reporting Form